Community Choices Cheerleader Awards 2023
The first ever Community Choices Cheerleader Awards took place on 12 December, 2023, at the Brakpan Garden & Pet Centre, to honour the small business owners and people who supported Community Choices throughout this year.
Community Choices officially started on 14 November 2022 and has developed throughout it's first year with the support of various people. And that why we decided to honour them.
Thank you to all these people and all our subscribers of our newsletter who knowingly and unknowingly have helped businesses to make Brakpan a better place.
Photo captions:
Gert Nel from Imperial Pets with Mientjie Kleinhans from Community Choices
Ruan Bosman from Brakpan Garden & Pet Centre with Mientjie Kleinhans
Nicole Gerber from Brakpan Garden & Pet Centre with Mientjie Kleinhans
Naula Smit from Oosrand Loka with Mientjie Kleinhans
Rohan Du Buson from Fig On The Rock with Mientjie Kleinhans
Michelle Du Buson from The Secret Place Gift Shop with Mientjie Kleinhans
Mientjie Kleinhans with Marlene Voster
Mariette Strauss from Mandre Property with Mientjie Kleinhans
Mientjie Kleinhans with Dominique Steyn
Kobus Kleinhans from Nifty Zebra with Mientjie Kleinhans
Mientjie Kleinhans with Saskia Steyn